Modern Arab Kingship – The Remaking of the Ottoman Political Order in the Interwar Middle East (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2023)
Arab Patriotism – The Ideology and Culture of Power in Late Ottoman Egypt (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2017)
Edited Volumes
Primordial History, Print Capitalism, and Egyptology in Nineteenth-Century Cairo: Muṣṭafā Salāma al-Naǧǧārī’s The Garden of Ismail’s Praise (Cairo: Ifao, 2021).
Látvány/színház (Spectacle/Theatre – Genre, body, performativity), ed. by Ádám Mestyán and Eszter Horváth (Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2006, in Hungarian).
Peer-reviewed Articles
“Microhistory As Industrial History – Climate, Sugar Capitalism, and Labour in Egypt, 1863-1879.” Past & Present, available online (scheduled August 2025).
“Acquisition By Use in Islamic Law: Ihya’ al-Mawat in Three Legal Opinions from Late Ottoman Egypt.” The Arabist, 47 (2024), 79-93.
with Rezk Nuri, “The Probate Regime – Enchanted Bureaucracy, Islamic Law, and The Capital of Orphans in Nineteenth-Century Egypt.” Law and History Review, 40, 4 (2022), 597–624 (open access).
“From Administrative to Political Order? Global Legal History, the Organic Law, and the Constitution of Mandate Syria, 1925–1930.” Journal of Global History 17, 2 (2022): 292–311.
with †Kathryn Schwartz, “An Egyptian Shaykh’s Literary World: Digitally Reconstructing Islamic Print Culture Through Mustafa Salama al-Najjari’s Books, Cairo 1870.” Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 9, no. 2 (2022), 85–90.
“Land Privatization in Islamic Law? The Case of Irsad in Egypt, 1850-1950.” The Arabist 44 (2022): 87-104.
“Muslim Dualism? – Inter-Imperial History and Austria-Hungary in Ottoman Political Thought, 1867–1921.” Contemporary European History 30, 4 (2021): 478–496.
“Seeing Like a Khedivate: Taxing Endowed Agricultural Land, Proofs of Ownership, and the Land Administration in Egypt, 1869.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 63, no. 5–6 (2020): 743–87.
“Pious Endowments: Land and Women in Late Ottoman Egypt – Reading the Grand Mufti’s Opinions, 1848-49.” The Arabist 41 (2020): 85-100.
“Domestic Sovereignty, A‘yan Developmentalism, and Global Microhistory in Modern Egypt,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 60, 2 (2018): 415-445.
“Upgrade? Power and Sound during Ramadan and ‘Id al-Fitr in the Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Arab Provinces,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 37, n. 2 (2017): 262-279.
with Mercedes Volait, “Affairisme dynastique et dandysme au Caire vers 1900: Le Club des Princes et la formation d’un quartier du divertissement rue ‘Imad al-Din,” Annales Islamologiques, 50 (2016): 55-106 (in French).
“Preface – Ignac Goldziher’s Report on the Books Brought from the Orient for the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,” Journal of Semitic Studies 60, 2 (2015): 443-480.
“Arabic Theatre in Early Khedivial Culture, 1868-1872: James Sanua Revisited,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 46, 1 (2014): 117-137.
“Materials for a History of Hungarian Academic Orientalism: The Case of Gyula Germanus, 1884-1979,” Die Welt des Islams 54 (2014): 4-33.
“Power and Music in Cairo: Azbakiyya,” Urban History 44, 4 (2013): 681-704.
“Arabic Lexicography and European Aesthetics: the Origin of Fann,” Muqarnas – An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World 28 (2011): 69-100.
Encyclopaedia Entries:
“Fuad I,” Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three (Leiden: Brill), 1: 22-24.
“Khedive,” Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three (Leiden: Brill, 2020), 2:70-71.
“Tawfiq Muhammad al-Bakri,” Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 6:19-21.
Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes
“Hārūn Al-Rašīd, the Arabian Nights, and Politics on the Arabic Stage, 1850s–1920s.” In The Thousand and One Nights: Sources and Transformations in Literature, Art, and Science, edited by William Granara and Ibrahim Akel, 175–97. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
“The Muslim Bourgeoisie and Philanthropy in the Late Ottoman Empire,” in The Global Bourgeoisie, ed. Christof Dejung et al (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019), 207-228.
“Muḥammad Yūsuf Najm – A Maker of the Nahḍa,” al-Abḥāth 64 (2016), 97-118.
“ ‘I Have To Disguise Myself’ – Gyula Germanus and Pilgrimage as Cultural Capital, 1935-1965,” in Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empires (ed. Amr Ryad) (Leiden: Brill, 2016).
“Sound, Military Music, and Opera in Egypt during the Rule of Mehmet Ali Pasha (r.1805-1848)” in Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. II – The Time of Joseph Haydn. From Sultan Mahmud I to Mahmud II (r.1730-1839) (eds. Michael Hüttler and Hans Ernst Weidinger) (Vienna: Hollitzer, 2014), 539-564.
“Cultural Policy in the Late Ottoman Empire? The Palace and the Public Theatres in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul,” in Kulturpolitik und Theatre – Die kontinentalen Imperien in Europa im Vergleich (ed. Philipp Ther) (Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2012), 127-149.
“Niqāṭ ḥawla al-siyāsa al-thaqāfiyya li-ḥukūmat ʿUrābī – mustaqbal al-masraḥ al-ʿarabī fī Māyū 1882” (Notes on the Cultural Policy of the ʿUrābī Government – the Future of Arab theatre in May 1882), Rūznāme – Yearbook of the Egyptian National Archives (2010), 203-214 (in Arabic).
“From Private Entertainment to Public Education: Opera in the late Ottoman Empire,” in Oper und Geschichte (eds. Oliver Müller, Philipp Ther, Jutta Toelle) (Wien: Oldenburg Verlag, 2010), 263-276.
“The ethics of knowledge: Religio Academici reconsidered,” in Religio Academici (eds. Andras Szigeti, Peter Losonczi) (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2009), 215-239.
“The Nefertiti-paradigm,” Holmi, 8 (2006), 1075-1087 (in Hungarian).
“The orthographical canonisation of the Qur’an,” in A változatosság dicsérete (Laudation of variety) (ed. Tibor Bárány) (Budapest: Collegium Erasmus, 2005).
Digital Publications & Projects
2022-2024 Digital Cairo (lead PI, co-directors Hugh Cayless and Mercedes Volait), part of La fabrique du Caire moderne project, supported by NEH and Ifao.
2017-2022 Project Naggari (co-director with †Kathryn Schwartz), The Online Reconstruction and Visualization of a Nineteenth-Century Arabic Library. Zenodo ()
2009-2020 with Till Grallert et al., Jara’id: A Chronology of Arabic Periodicals (1800–1929) (Version v1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo ()
Ahmed El Shamsy, Rediscovering the Islamic Classics: How Editors and Print Culture Transformed An Intellectual Tradition (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020), Middle Eastern Literatures, early access.
Daniel Stolz, The Lighthouse and the Observatory: Islam, Science, and Empire in Late Ottoman Egypt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), Isis – Journal of the History of Science Society 110, 3 (2019): 633-634.
Matthew Ellis, Desert Borderland: The Making of Modern Egypt and Libya (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2018), International Journal of Middle East Studies 51, 2 (2019): 325-327.
Ali Yaycioglu, Partners of the Empire: The Crisis of the Ottoman Order in the Age of Revolutions (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2016), The Hungarian Historical Review 6, n. 1 (2017): 243-246.
Liat Kozma, Policing Egyptian Women – Sex, Law, and Medicine in Khedivial Egypt (Syracusa, New York: Syracusa University Press, 2011), British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 40, n. 4 (2013): 469-470.
Julia Clancy-Smith, Mediterraneans (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011), European Review of History, 19, n. 3 (2012): 461-463.
“Imaging the Mediterranean.” Ian Chambers: Mediterranean Crossings (Duke University Press, 2008) and Mediterranean Passages (eds. miriam cooke, Erdağ Göknar and Grant Parker), (Chapel Hill NC: The University of North Caroline Press, 2008), European Review of History, 18, 2 (2011): 267-270.
István Ormos: Max Herz Pasha (Cairo: IFAO, 2009), Élet és Irodalom, October, 2009 (in Hungarian).
“The morality of symbolic geography.” Review about n. 1-2 (2005) of the journal East-Central Europe. In: BUKSZ, 2008/3. (in Hungarian)
Elisabeth Clegg: Art, Design, and Architecture in Central Europe 1890-1920 (Yale University Press, 2006). In: East-Central Europe online, 2007 –, published in hardcopy in 2009/1.
From Hungarian to English:
Ignaz Goldziher, Report on the Books Brought from the Orient for the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with Regard to the Conditions of the Printing Press in the Orient, in Journal of Semitic Studies, 60, 2 (2015).
“Was Cairo’s grand opera house a tool of cultural imperialism?” Aeon, online 25 April 2018,
“Global Ottoman: The Istanbul-Cairo Axis” Global Urban History,, online 13 February 2017 (re-posted at Princeton University Press blog in June 2017; the most read blogpost in 2017 on Global Urban History).
“Al-Masraḥ al-ʿArabī fī al-Thaqāfa al-Khidiwiyya: Iʿādat al-Naẓar ilā James Sanua,” (in Arabic), Majallat al-Muqtaṭaf al-Miṣriyya,, online 30 July 2015.
“Dar al-Mahfuzat al-ʿUmumiyya,” Hazine website, online March 2014.